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To make dyslexia resources universally accessible & free📚

This platform supports people with dyslexia by providing 3 solutions:​

User Rated Resources 

🌟 Rate dyslexia resources
🤝 Share your favorite resource
🎉 Recommend resource

Discussion Platform

🤔 Ask your dyslexia questions!
🙏 Get advice from peers
🤝 Answers questions for peers!

Accessibility Settings 

🔍 Find your ideal reading settings!
👍 Navigate without obstacles
🤔 See what reading settings are popular!

“I'll use this all the time, 10 out of 10."

17 year old student with dyslexia


To make dyslexia resources universally accessible.


Project Type
In process of 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

2022 January - Ongoing

Project Owner 

Evelyn Brokering



Roles Needed

  • Visual Designer with accessibility experience

  • Developer with Web App experience

  • User Tester (People with dyslexia or who have challenges with reading and/or writing.)

  • Please Fill Out Form if you are interested😊

Do you have Dyslexia? Let's be the change together!

We are designing a platform that is easy to use for people with dyslexia. We welcome you to participate in our usability testing to see your point of view😊

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