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Dyslexia.Review ⭐️
User-rated dyslexia resources ⭐⭐⭐⭐
One stop solution for dyslexia resources! Coming soon...
To make dyslexia resources universally accessible & free📚
This platform supports people with dyslexia by providing 3 solutions:
User Rated Resources
🌟 Rate dyslexia resources
🤝 Share your favorite resource
🎉 Recommend resource
Discussion Platform
🤔 Ask your dyslexia questions!
🙏 Get advice from peers
🤝 Answers questions for peers!
Accessibility Settings
🔍 Find your ideal reading settings!
👍 Navigate without obstacles
🤔 See what reading settings are popular!
To make dyslexia resources universally accessible.
Project Type
In process of 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
2022 January - Ongoing
Project Owner
Evelyn Brokering
Roles Needed
Visual Designer with accessibility experience
Developer with Web App experience
User Tester (People with dyslexia or who have challenges with reading and/or writing.)
Please Fill Out Form if you are interested😊
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